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  • cập nhật mới nhất: 2024-03-28
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(点击上方关注键盘侠🐱‍🚀,获悉更多有趣资讯。)新闻链接>>>>>>詹姆斯:大家都知道乔丹有多出色 但库里&AI的比赛影响力是最大的近日🐁🐲,湖人球星勒布朗-詹姆斯参加了JJ-雷迪克的播客节目《Mind the Game》🐽。詹姆斯说道:“斯蒂芬-库里和阿伦-艾弗森是我关注NBA以来在比赛见过最有影响力的两个球员🐘。他们太有亲和力了🐈🐘🦏,孩子们觉得可以成为他们🐹。”在美国Reddit论坛上🐮,美网友对于詹姆斯的这个观点进行了热议🐷🐹,小编选取了部分美网友评论🐂,供吧友讨论🐏。[–]BucksFlipMoBitch 3493 points 4 days agoHe’s right about the AI & Steph thing. All the kids want/wanted to play just like them growing up.雄鹿球迷:关于艾弗森和库里这点🐁,老詹确实没说瞎话~想当年每个小孩子打球都在模仿艾弗森,而现如今🦨🦄,每个小孩子打球都在模仿库里~~~[–]CavaliersChickenmangoboom 294 points 4 days agoCornrows went way up at my school.快船球迷:想当年🐰🐷,艾弗森的地垄沟发型火遍我的学校啊!![–]NetsBushidoBrowneII 89 points 4 days agoAfter Steph, lightskins went up at my school篮网球迷:现如今🐅,若你的外型帅如库里般肤浅,便可优先获得全校配偶权!![–]CelticsI_Need_Cowbell 1005 points 4 days agoThe amount of kids wearing those finger bands back in the day…凯尔特人球迷:当年还有一大批小孩子模仿艾弗森戴护指…[–]MasoShoujo 710 points 4 days agodont forget the AI arm sleeves and the tmac sleeves on the shin球迷:别忘了当年模仿艾弗森戴护臂,还有人模仿麦迪穿小腿护套!麦迪小腿护套艾弗森护臂[–]MavericksBasedGanglia 317 points 4 days agoYou can’t convince me the arm sleeves don’t make you shoot better (as long as it’s on the off arm).独行侠球迷:想当年🐔🦏🐄,如果拥有护臂这种装备🐆🐢,能给自己叠上好几个投篮技能点呢(不过关键在于,一定要把它配戴到下臂处,才能触发护臂的被动属性)!![–]MavericksHispanicAtTehDisco 144 points 4 days agoit’s 100% placebo but i was fr drilling shots when i had the am sleeve on as a kid独行侠球迷:尽管这是100%的迷信行为,不过当年还是个孩子的时候,我练投篮还真是带着护臂练的!![–]LakersPolarBearLaFlare 69 points 4 days agoLol I bought a sleeve with AI’s logo on it in 6th grade and I’d wear it every time we had a basketball day. No lie, other kids would ask me if they could borrow it after I had just got done sweating all over it. He was that iconic.湖人球迷:哈哈哈~记得读六年级的时候🦌,我买了个带有艾弗森logo的护臂,自那以后每节篮球课我都会戴着它~~~其他小孩儿看到这只稀世珍宝后🐇,都蹲着等我练完🐩🐽🐯,然后抢着来借那只已经吸满我的汗的护臂~~~[–]moderatelypositive 64 points 4 days agoWell there is always going to be more kids trying to emulate smaller players (closer to average height). How do emulate 6'9, 250+ lbs, greatest athlete ever?球迷:小孩子肯定是去模仿小个子球员(和普通人体型接近)啦~~~以后也是一样的~试问谁能模仿得了一个身高2.05米🐑,体重220多斤🐈,史上最伟大的运动员啊!!??[–]CavaliersRevolutionary_Gear70 2820 points 4 days agoGod, LeBron and Steph just need to kiss already骑士球迷:天哪~~(夸成这样)老詹和库里干脆给我们当众亲一个得了~~~[–]Kyler1313 1109 points 4 days agoDraymond is gonna punch another teammate if Lebron kisses Steph first...球迷:要是让追梦知道老詹和库里亲嘴了🦓🐗,那勇士队不得又有一个球员要倒在重拳之下了??!![–]Knickssithwonder 208 points 4 days agoThat baby would be the undisputed GOAT尼克斯球迷:老詹和库里一结合🐈🦌,他们的孩子必将是注定的历史第一人!!![–]SpursRNant 84 points 4 days agonah, it would shoot 3s like lebron but have steph's build马刺球迷:不尽然也~~~他俩的孩子可能三分投篮随老詹🐐🦎,身体素质随库里…[–]Sunsseanconnery69696 121 points 4 days agoLebron's hairline and curry's ankles太阳球迷:也可能是发际线随老詹🐏,脚踝随库里…[–]lxshadynastyxl 196 points 4 days agoKissing doesn’t produce babies bro球迷:楼上讨论得这么热闹却暴露了你们的无知…亲个嘴不能怀孕!知道吗?大哥…[–][GSW] Nate ThurmondHelicase21 65 points 4 days agoThem playing together in games with real stakes at the Olympics gonna be some special stuff勇士球迷:老詹和库里将在奥运会这种重大比赛中做队友🦨🐀,肯定会相当好看~~~[–]BraveStrategy 4 points 4 days agoI have gold medal tickets. Really looking forward to it球迷:我已经买了巴黎奥运会男篮决赛的票,期待得很呐~~[–]WarriorsWhenItsHalfPastFive 1492 points 4 days agoHe's right, I think people can see the greatness in MJ and LeBron, but people want to be Steph and Allen Iverson. It's mainly the height, more relatable, and simply feels like they're defying the odds at times because of it.勇士球迷:老詹说得没错!虽然乔丹和老詹的伟大都是有目共睹的🐱‍🚀🐨,但是大家却都仍然更想成为库里和艾弗森🦙🐮🐗。主要是因为他们俩的身高(更接近普通人)、更容易在普通球迷中引起共鸣,更能让大家认同这两位有时候能打破体型的桎梏🐫🦎,做出逆天改命的操作![–]Keksmonster 381 points 4 days agoThere's so much truth to it because while Steph and AI have an essentially unattainable skillset, it appears so much more attainable than someone like MJ or Bron with a 40 inch vertical dunking from the foul line.You can practice to improve your handles and shooting, but you can't practice to turn into a 6'8 superhuman球迷:太对了!在我们看来🦌,若想拥有库里和艾弗森的篮球技术🐒🐾,基本上是能通过修炼来达成的!而相比之下,若想成为乔丹和詹姆斯那种垂直弹跳1米多🐄🐨,能从罚球线起跳扣篮的人🐲,就很缺乏说服力了…你可以通过训练来提升自己的运球和投篮技术🐴🐷,但是你没法儿通过训练,把自己进化成一个身高2.05米的超人…[–]Cavaliersitssensei 20 points 4 days agoBut my mom told me I can be anything I want to be!骑士球迷:但素…我麻麻说…只要你想做一件事🐕🐷,全世界都会为你让路~~~[–]SpursVictor_Wembanyama1 16 points 4 days agoSure honey now eat your broccolis马刺球迷:对的对的…乖宝宝…来🐖,赶紧把这口西兰花吃了🐎🐼,张嘴…啊….[–][GSW] Stephen CurryQuality_Cucumber 269 points 4 days agor/nba mods wanted to be Shaq and they ended up fat and hyper sensitive to criticism.勇士球迷:键盘侠小编想成为奥尼尔~~~他成功了!他变得像奥尼尔那样🐊🐭🐈,又肥又敏感🦔,删评一把好手~~~[–]Miyagisans 35 points 4 days agoLmfao球迷:哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~~~~[–]CIark 440 points 4 days agoLebron and Steph need to team up already just so we can see how good they are despite being old and imagine them in their primes together球迷:老詹和库里该组个队🐫🐰,这样我们就有机会看看这俩老头儿在一起有多强了~~~想想看,要是他俩巅峰期在一块儿🦓,那得有多变态!![–]SupersonicsSerenadeSwift 232 points 4 days agoThey could just coast to the 10 seed and then go ham on everyone in the playoffs.超音速球迷:他俩要是在一起打球的话,常规赛可以划划水打到第十名,然后从附加赛开始一路过关🐹🐄🐾,杀穿联盟!![–]Lakersephemeralfugitive 80 points 4 days agoI think Curry hates coasting tho.Dude always putting in the effort.湖人球迷:我觉得库里还是比较讨厌上班摸鱼的🦓,这哥们儿打球一直都不留劲儿的~~[–]ClippersMoist_Walrus5413 208 points 4 days agoWhat a privilege it was to watch the Steph Curry era.快船球迷:能亲眼目睹整个库里时代🐇🐰,真的是太荣幸了!![–]Majestic-Pickle5097 342 points 4 days agoThe humility for Lebron James to say another player has been more impactful to the game is saying something..球迷:老詹能夸奖另外一名球员对比赛有更强的影响力,此人谦逊的品格可见一斑啊!![–]CompetitiveBrick491 63 points 4 days agoAI was a rookie when I saw him in Indy. He got 3 guards in foul trouble in the first half with about 2 minutes to go.I was wondering who was going to take him and the next thing I know, Reggie is squared up near halfcourt.The place started to laugh and couldn't wait to see how many bones Reggie would break on the first crossover.You could not stay in front of him.球迷:我在印第安纳看过一次艾弗森的比赛🦙🐐🦮,当年他还是个新秀!那场比赛🦌,上半场还剩2分钟的时候,艾弗森已经让对手的三个后卫陷入犯规麻烦了!!当时我还在想还有谁能防艾弗森呢?后来我知道了🐃,因为雷吉-米勒已经在中场摆好架势了…接着整个球场都笑出了声🐏,因为球迷们等不及想看看🐢🦥,艾弗森的第一个变向能晃断雷吉-米勒多少根骨头!!艾弗森根本没法儿防啊!!![–]Timberwolves-XanderCrews- 43 points 4 days agoOnly 2 players since the old old days changed the way the other teams played against them solely because they were so good at their job. Shaq and steph. They really do deserve a special spot in the hall.森林狼球迷:纵观联盟历史,因为某一个球员实在太强,而使得整个联盟专门为他改变打法的,这种情况只出现过2次🐹,一次是奥尼尔,一次是库里!!这两个人真的值得在名人堂拥有一个特别的席位!!注:针对奥尼尔的砍鲨战术🐁,针对库里的BOX-1[–]Warriorsby_yes_i_mean_no 16 points 4 days agoShaq has the most gravity in the paint in history, Curry has the most gravity beyond the arc in history, it would have been a truly incredible experience to see them play together.勇士球迷:奥尼尔拥有史上最强的内线防守吸引力,库里拥有史上最强的外线防守吸引力🐭,他俩要是能在一起打球的话,那观赛体验可就太不可思议了啊~~~来源:Reddit编译:河浪端🐪🐁🐈
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